Friday, October 1, 2010

"Not My..." fans

Yesterday was my first official day of running. My plan was to meet "Ironman" Dillow at Steele Creek to run the Lakeside Trail which is about four miles. I got a text around 3 p.m. that said he wouldn't be making it, so I grabbed the next best running dogs. They have been staying inside quite a bit lately since the rain has moved in, so I thought it would be nice to get them out for some exercise.

The original plan with the dogs was to go to Sugar Hollow Park which is about five minutes from my house, but when wI pulled into the park, I noticed some John Battle Cross Country meet signs. So running there in the midst of hundreds of high school kids with two unruly dogs was out of the question. So, the dogs and I stuck to my original plan and went to Steele Creek instead.

It had rained earlier which cooled things down quite a bit, so I wore a long sleeve that I shed about halfway through my run. The run, however, was a nice assessment of my physical ability to run a marathon and I realized that I have a long way to go to make it 26.2 miles. Part of my training includes running a half marathon in November. Nate tells me that since I have some experience with endurance mountain bike racing and that I'm in pretty good shape already, that I should be able to train minimally for the half and complete it no problem. Here's to hoping he is right.

I did get to look up a few charities this morning with my breakfast and coffee. I still haven't decided which one to go to just yet, but I have some ideas. My facebook fan page is also getting some fans, which during my run yesterday I decided to dub them the "Not My..." fans. Thought it was catchy so I'm using it. So all of the Not My fans, please share my blog with your friends to help me with this endeavor.

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