Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cross training

It has been a few since I last posted on ye olde blog and I do apologize. I've been trying to catch up on everything after being gone for Thanksgiving.

I haven't done much running since my foot had been bothering me after my last run  in sunny Florida, so I've started using my first love as a cross-training method to keep me somewhat in shape. I've been doing some mountain biking since it doesn't hurt my foot and I sure as heck don't mind riding! They say cross training is important, but riding doesn't really feel like training to me, however, running does. It does feel nice to switch it up a little though.

I'm going to run today, probably at the YMCA on a treadmill since the weather is extremely cold lately and it's only getting colder and darker by the time I get off work. I generally hate running on treadmills, but they do have TVs in front of them...maybe I'll catch Oprah or something. Is her show still on?

I do want to take this moment to congratulate my running mate's mate, Joy, for completing her first marathon this past weekend in Memphis. She ran the St. Jude's marathon to raise money for St. Jude's and finished under five hours. Way to go Joy!

I will return with a regularly scheduled program, I promise. Thanks for keeping up!

1 comment:

  1. The Wellness center over on State St has an indoor track. it takes about 437 laps to make a mile...but its NOT a treadmill !! and the track has a little cush and bounch to it.
