It has been almost two weeks now since I ran in the War Party 10k. I've been slacking!
What a great run I had too! It was nice to get out to an event where I knew people and see plenty of familiar faces, both running and spectating. The day started off kind of chilly in the upper 30s, so my warm-up trots with Ironman Dillow were with pants, a jacket and gloves. We say Greg pull up so we ran to the other end of the venue to meet up with him, then ran back. That's about as much warm-up as I got. There was a guy giving us instructions a few minutes before the race, but much like other events I have done, I couldn't hear a word he was saying, so I didn't really listen.
Once the run started, Greg and Dillow took off. I was going to try to keep up with Greg, because God knows I can't keep up with Dillow, but Greg took off ahead of me and I got stuck in a bit of traffic. There is a pretty ugly hill almost right off the bat that you have to run twice. My first time up it wasn't all that bad, but the second time up it really zapped my energy. But overall, I think I kept a pretty good pace, especially since I hadn't run that kind of distance since the BAE half marathon.
I didn't have any lofty goals for the run, I was just out to have a good time. It was a fun event and one I'll definitely have to put on the agenda for years to come.